PodCulture 514: TARDIS Interruptus – Vol. 52
Show notes to follow later, once the feed is brought up to date. Sorry for the delays in posting.
Equal Opportunity Geekness
Show notes to follow later, once the feed is brought up to date. Sorry for the delays in posting.
A Special Black Friday Special Preview of the next episode of PodCulture: TARDIS Interruptus!
VOG boss Bobby Blackwolf and special guest Billy join the PodCulture crew for the final episode of their series after going to FandomFest 2016. Geek and Tell: Watch (well listen)…
The gang and special guests Billy and VOG Overlord Bobby Blackwolf continue the review and discussion of Fandomfest 2016. Plus fun stuff like: TV and DVD Trailer Talk Geek Cuisine…