Contact Info

Email us:
(you can also reach each host directly at: Brad, Glenn, Christina, or Adam

TARDIS Interruptus Crew:




Call us: 812-672-4POD (812-672-4763)

Find each of us on twitter:

Brad Glenn Christina Adam

Leave a comment on the website:

Please let us know what you think and what you want to hear on the show…we want to hear from you!

3 thoughts on “Contact Info”
  1. This is for Christina, I was looking for you on Facebook to “fan” you, but there were several Karr’s. It is not a problem if you have a problem with this. My wife has dragged me into Facebook, now that I’m in I just want to add people I like.

    I am a long time listener and you make me smile everytime you laugh.

    I am sorry to here about your recent loss and I do feel for you, I now am Grand-less and it hurts.

    Thank you for your time,

    Kevin Young
    non-creepy Fan

  2. Hey Y’all! Love listening to the show, you help me unwind on my way home from work! I would like to know if Christina ever beat the final level of Little Big Planet 1. If so HOW?, if not…I feel your pain, for I cannot win either. I’d like to share that the two shows on TV that I cannot miss are Castle and Ghost Hunters on Syfy. LOVE Castle and wish that the network would quit with the only showing it every 2 weeks crap!!! I don’t care about the bachelour I want Castle!!! Currently I am finishing up a series of book that I think Christina might enjoy. They are written by Charlaine Harris, the writer of the True Blood series. There are 5 books , and they follow Lily Bard and her mysterious life in Shakespere, LA. It starts with Shakespere’s Landlord, and I recommend to anyone who likes a good mystry.
    Lastly I think it would be awesome if Podculture had a facebook page. It would be easy to share our geeking and connect with fellow fans!
    Thanks for the awesome shows and keep on geeking!!!!

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