Podcasting Gear

I’ll post more details later but our basic main set up consists of:

Yamaha MW12 USB Mixer – the main recording mixer

Memorex MKA301 Mics – (swap out the cheap 1/4 inch jack cord that was included for some XLR cables)

Audacity – the main program we use to actually record the show

Sound  Forge – the main program we use to actually edit the show file, as well as encode the file to MP3

MP3tag – the program we use to edit the ID3 tags on the show files.

MXL 990 – a little bit higher-end condenser mic that we purchased to test out for the show.  VERY nice mic.  It gives a fantastic sound, however it is a very sensative mic and unless your recording area is completly silent; it will pick up every little sound.

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