PodCulture 507: StandomFest – Part A
Hail hail…the crew is ALL here and special guests! In a crowded studio long-time listener and supporter of the show Billy and the guy behind The Voice of Geeks Network…
Equal Opportunity Geekness
Hail hail…the crew is ALL here and special guests! In a crowded studio long-time listener and supporter of the show Billy and the guy behind The Voice of Geeks Network…
The tall and the short of things is that Adam and Brad return to finish out their two-parter recording session. Of course there is TV and DVD Talk, an alcohol-fueled…
Adam and Brad hold down the fort and sit down and geek. Hey…these guys did a whole show on a flipping teaser trailer once…I think they can handle a regular…
Adam and Cristalle force Brad out of the PodCulture studio and out into the real world for non-fast food dinner and fun times at Studio V.