The PodCulture crew has traveled thru time and whipped together a very special episode for you…..a Doctor Who themed episode.

Before the main show begins, the crew discuss a few DVDs, TV shows, and movies including: Sound of Thunder, Stargate: Atlantis, and Underworld: Evolution.

Glenn chats for a quick bit about some comics he’s picked up such as Wonder Woman, and Underworld.

This time Geek Cuisine is all about Junior Mint Chews.

Then the real fun begins. The usual gang is joined in studio by Darrin and the almost silent audience member Eric, and the whole group discuss the TV show Doctor Who (past, present as well as future) Darrin gives a brief rundown of who The Doctor is, and what he’s all about. Then we discuss favorite episodes, favorite doctors and companions as well as compare the classic series to the new series currently airing.

Ally contributes another one of her reviews…this time about a remote controled Dalek toy.

TONS of details, tibits, and nuggets are talked about, far too many to list here in the shownotes.

Special thanks for in this episode go out to Andrea for her voicemail she left on the voicemail line (206) 338-3POD, Chris from Two Girls and a Podcast for her voicemail contribution as well, Jill from The Signal podcast for a wonderful piece of Doctor Who themed music she sent us, and BIG thanks to Stuart Duncan for his continued contributions of iTunes art and logos that he sends to us and for the very cool posters that he mailed to us too.

Promos for this show include: The Whocast.

By Brad

6 thoughts on “PodCulture 15: Doctor Who, the Crew, and Some Brew Too!”
  1. Darrin LITERALLY put me to sleep. NEVER put him on again. Nice touch on the crickets over Glens bad jokes. Terrible audio but thanks for the disclaimer.

  2. Thank you for posting, and I’m sorry that you didn’t care for Darrin. Darrin has quite a bit more experience with Doctor Who that the rest of us, and rather than the three of us babbling on about something we knew very little about, we thought we would invite Darrin on the show. We enjoyed havinga special guest on the show, and prob will have him on again at some point as a follow-up to this special.

    While pretty rough compared to other episodes I though that the audio turned out OK all things considered. (of you thought THAT was bad, you should hear the raw versions of the files before I edited them)


  3. Darrin was fine, and I’m not even a Who fan. In fact it was good to hear another voice in the mix.

  4. Iv only seen a few esp, but i have something to say,
    This show has the WORST acting, dialog, story and writing of any show iv EVER SEEN……………………

  5. Charm my friend….charm. Taken on their own…the effects, the stories, and the pacing of the stories might not be what some audiences are used to, but all together they somehow combine to make a quirky, charming, and very entertaining show.

    Thanks for listening.

  6. Darin here… I just wanted to leave a quick note thanking Brad, Christina and Glenn for inviting me to guest on their show. Being that this was my first experience in doing something of this sort, I had a really great time and look forward to doing it again in the future… maybe something even a little less Who orientated.

    As for the person whom I literally put to sleep, all I can say is that I answered the questions that Brad asked and even tried to interject a little humor at Glenn’s expense (it was Eric’s fault… lol) at the end of the show. I can’t help that it was such a negative experience for you, but hopefully other fans of the show or Doctor Who found it informative and enjoyed it.

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