This time the show starts off with the gang discussing the cowardess that is an anonymous email. Glenn chats about the computer game Guild Wars: Factions and that, of course, he is STILL addicted to World of Warcraft.

Brad, Christina, and Glenn get into discussing some of their recent DVDs purchases and watching habits. Among them are: Lost: Season 2, 16 Blocks, Nightstalker, Lois and Clark: Season 3, the various Superman movies, Krypto, Doctor Who (the 1996 movie), Christina takes over from Brad and rants about what happened during a recent episode of the new Doctor Who TV series.

The gang comes back from a break ready for a snack. This time Geek Cuisine focuses on a couple of things: Hank’s Rootbeer, Virgil’s Rootbeer, and Violet Crumbles.

After getting all sugared up, Brad and Glenn geek a little bit about some comic books they have purchased. (both new and old) Wonder Woman, Civil War, The Flash, Batman, S.H.I.E.L.D, The Superman Returns prequels, Watchmen, Batman/Superman, 52, New Avengers, Astonishing X-Men, the Angel Scriptbooks, Justice, Judge Dredd, 2000 A.D. and Warlord, are among the many books discussed.

Then after a break and answering some voicemail sent in by listeners, the crew chats about the Superman Returns movie. Brad and Christina share a story about taking a trip to the Build-a-Bear store. They wrap up the episode with chatter about Rogue Trooper, Judge Dredd: The Game, Nerudo, and Trigun.

Special musical guest this episode is: The Bedlam Bards with a song from their cd On The Drift called Big Damn Trilogy.

A very special thanks go out to Stuart Duncan for sending in some very cool Doctor Who posters, Dani in NC, Nick Bradley, and Paul from The Whocast for calling into the PodCulture voicemail line 206-338-3POD, and to Ian Shields for sending in the promo and introduction for his show The Ranting Scotsman.

By Brad

6 thoughts on “PodCulture 16: Brought To You By The Numbers: 4, 8, 15, 16, 23, 42!”
  1. LOL….sorry don’t see THAT happening anytime soon. Have ya not SEEN the “new” layout on my personal LJ? We are big fans of the Doctor.


  2. I agree Wiccanslyr.

    I didn’t know this was going to become a Dr. Who podcast. I only have a few hours a week to listen to podcasts and this one’s leaving my listening list if the content doesn’t get away from Dr. Who so much. Just my advice on keeping listeners.


  3. First and formost we do the show for fun. (’cause goodness knows we don’t do it for the money) It’s more like three friends sitting around chatting about they stuff they like, and you happen to be listening in more than it is a professional production.

    One of the things we do here on the show is chat about we watch, and one of the things Christina and I watch is Doctor Who, so that will most likely be a part of the show most weeks. If you feel like that’s a waste of your time then I’m sorry……..we’ll miss ya.

    If I may let me recommend a couple of other “geek” type podcasts that might fit you better then. These guys are good, with several different shows they put out: Geekintertainment, The Buffcast, and Angel Investigations. There is also: Two Geeks, a Mic, and a Podcast at and they also do Meteorgeek These guys are pretty good as well. Both the crews put out some good shows, and neither one chat about Doctor Who very much.


  4. Thanks guys

    First ever running of the show in the Podcasting World. But I suppose I already thanked you during my promo

    Lets hope for more in the future

  5. Glad we could help you out, and we were happy to have you be a part of the show, and we look forward to the future segments!


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