Happy Holidays to everyone and a very happy 5th Anniversary to PodCulture! Join the crew for their fifth anniversary as a podcast! Hard to believe, but on 12/25/05 the very first episode was posted, and years of wacky fun got going!

Adam has been working hard and running when it’s not freezing. He has been playing Assasins Creed, amongst others, and getting ready for the holidays. World of Warcraft has taken back its posession of Glenn’s free time, and he is enjoying the new features of the game. He and Brad tease us with their beta testing of DC Universe Online. Christina spent a week with her family in Cleveland, and the gang discusses snow and a hopefully white Christmas. Brad and Christina have been catching up on tv, and he thanks everyone for their support over the past month.

In a battery-sucking Geek and Tell, Glenn shows off the present he got with the Prestige Edition of Call of Duty, the RCXD.

In a special Geek Cuisine, Brad shares the lore and leftovers from his family’s Candy Day. Including Buckeyes, chocolate bark and the hard candy made by Brad himself. He shares the recipe, so if you decide to try it, call us with the results! What kinds of traditions does your family have for the holiday? Share with us!

Thanks to Luke Ski for his Fanboy Christmas Part 3, and to the Being Human Cast for their promo!

Have a safe and happy holiday folks!

By Brad

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