With an introduction from none other than Arthur Darvill; PodCulture kicks off a new series of episodes recorded during FandomFest in Louisville, Kentucky!

For the first time in a very, very, VERY long time all FOUR PodCulture hosts are in the same room at the same time! Yep that is right…hide your dairy products as Christina is in town (along with silent studio guest her mom) and joins Adam, Brad, and Glenn in welcoming long-time listener and supporter Billy to the show! The crew catches up on life and reviews and discusses FandomFest.

Christina takes over Guilty Pleasures with her take on the SyFy B-Movie Lavalantula.

The gathering of geeks oh and ah over what treasures they found at FandomFest with a special Geek and Tell segment.

In Geek Cuisine Brad finds revenge for Adam’s infamous Cuttlefish Jerky and Candied Hibiscus with his kryptonite: pumpkin spice. Not just any pumpkin spice item…a pumpkin spice liqueur!

By Brad

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