The longest PodCulture yet is a wild geek-filled festival of fun!

The Movie/DVD/TV talk includes chatter on Death Trance, A Scanner Darkly, Pirates 2, Knight Rider, Stargate SG1, Eureka, Farscape, Babylon 5, Incredible Hulk, Adventures of Brisco County Jr., Clerks 2, V for Vendetta, and Office Space.

Brad talks about some old-school videogame collections he has picked up: Midway Arcade Treasures, and the Namco Museum Collection.

Geek Cuisine is all about Endangered Species Dark Chocolate with Cherry Essence, and Hank’s Premium Root Beer.

The entire gang reviews the movie that started Brad and Christina’s SG1 and Atlantis addiction: Stargate: The Movie.

Regular contributor Ally sends in her review of two summer hit movies: Superman Returns and Pirates of the Caribbean 2.

Glen and Brad discuss some of their recent comic book purchases: Civil War, Last Planet Standing, Spider Girl, Red Sonja, Highlander, Xena, Ms Marvel, Warlord, Moon Knight, Stargate SG1, Green Lantern, Green Lantern Corps, Ion, Justice League of America, 52, Spike vs Dracula, Angel Spotlight: Doyle, Batman and Robin, Infinite Crisis, and even geek-girl Christina gets in on the discussion with one she fell in love with: Mouse Guard. On a related note: Brad rants about Wizard Magazine and their recent change in size and format.

The show closes out with the Brad, Glenn and Christina giving out the usual contact info, and a request for emails, voicemails and submissions. And as a very special treat a sneak-peak teaser of PodCulture’s soon-to-be spinoff podcast: Stargate Louisville.

Edited to add: The Kevin Smith/Joel Seigel bit discussed during the show can be found HERE

By Brad

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