Hitting the quarter century mark the PC crew has whipped up yet another batch of geek-goodness just for you!

TV and DVD talks includes Smallville, Justice League Unlimited, Supernatural, Heroes, Battlestar Galactica, Voyage to the Bottom of the Sea, Slither, Feast, Nacho Libre, School of Rock, Wizard of Oz, Return To Oz, Thriller, Prophecy, Nightmare on Elm Street, It, Red Dragon, Hanibal, The Stand, Jericho, and the fall TV lineup in general.

Video game chatter is all about Thrill Kill, World of Warcraft: Burning Crusade, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Justice League Heroes, Soul Calibur 3, Sims 2 Pets, Phantasy Star Universe, City of Villians, DOA Xtreme 2, and the next-gen systems Playstation 3, Xbox 360, and Wii.

Geek Cuisine this time around is a drink from the Jones Soda Company called Candy Corn.

Glenn continues his Glenn’s Guilty Pleasures bit. This time it’s a review of Vampire Wars

Promo for this show is from Green Ring Ethos

The special musical guest is Jonathan Coulton with his song Creepy Doll as well as yet another mystery song thrown in for good measure.

By Brad

6 thoughts on “PodCulture 25: The One With That Weird Thing”
  1. Hey, another great show…but thats not why im here.

    You guys haven’t talked about the new Robin Hood series on the BBC,
    In my personal opinion its an above average show, anyways go watch it if you haven’t already and talk about it.
    (Believe its on 4th-5th week)

    *Downloading all 4esp of Torchwood*
    Thanks for the heads up.

  2. I’ll be completely honest with you…I have not heard anything about that show. (blame it on us lazy americans i guess) I’ll make a note to check it out sometime soon!


  3. I found it by chance, (Also a lazy American )

    I was randomly searching my favorite torrent site and i came across the first few episodes,
    Anyhow i think you three at podculture
    would enjoy it.

  4. Btw, with Heros, i wouldn’t waste your time.

    I watched the first few episodes and the only reason why i lasted that long was one, Comic book writers… and I’m a huge comic fan, and two, the japanese character…I love that guy
    “I DID IT!”

    Anyways, im spamming your comments, So ima stop now.

  5. >>I was randomly searching my favorite torrent site.

    LOL…..what is this thing you call a “torrent”? We have never heard of those! ::: wink wink nudge nudge :::

    >>Btw, with Heros, i wouldn’t waste your time.

    REALLY? You are one of the few folk I’ve heard say anything negative about it. We may look at it at some point soon, but for now we’re busy keeping up our already too full slate of TV watching.

    >>Anyways, im spamming your comments, So ima stop now.

    Pah….we welcome comments from our listeners.


  6. Yeah, torrents, you know those mounted guns they use in wars ^^ heh.

    “We may look at it at some point soon, but for now we’re busy keeping up our already too full slate of TV watching.”

    I know what you mean, im behind on Battlestar and studio 60 (Yes i like that show, leave me alone)
    and a number of other shows, The only shows iv been able to keep up with are Supernatural, Smallville and Veronica Mars,
    I mean come on, I can’t miss anything that happens on those shows.

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