We open this week with our request for our listeners to Program PodCulture! What should Brad and Christina watch while she recovers? You tell us!

In Geek ‘n’ Tell this week, we cover all the bases. Brad and Christina have added two new members to their koala family with a Ty koala named Brisbane, and a Coca Cola koala named Quala. Brad finds a Captain Archer action figure, and we’re all enjoying the new mic stands in the office. They’ve picked up the first season of Six Feet Under, and Christina relives happy childhood memories with her Strawberry Shortcake mug. Brad’s picked up the anthology of Heroes comics, and the new Garth Brooks cd. They fill their tardis even further with Genesis of the Daleks on dvd, and find Judge Dredd for the Gamecube on clearance. The pair have Invasion on dvd, and round out their massive Geek ‘n’ Tell this week with a repaint of Starscream, and the Walking Dead comics.

Glenn’s gaming up a storm this week (as usual) with the new WoW patch, Tabula Rasa, and Crysis on order. The boys discuss how the Phantasy Star franchise was their gateway drug to the online gaming gene. Taking a page from Brad and Christina’s book, Glenn picks up the insanely cute “Underdog” dog costume…even though he doesn’t have one.

Just a reminder that we’ll be announcing the winners of our Karas:The Revelation contest soon, so if you haven’t entered, get on it, people!

Glenn gets guilty this week with The Doll Squad!

In closing, the trio talk about everything from Horror Hound Weekend, to politics, to super chicks, to the super weird Pee Wee Herman. Just goes to show, nothing is sacred, and nothing’s off limits.

Thanks to Mur Lafferty and J.C. Hutchins for their Podiobooks promo, and to The Geologic Podcast, The Sciphi Show, and Upside Down and Halfway to Happyland.

By Brad

2 thoughts on “PodCulture 74: Happy Happy Death Death – Part B”
  1. Heh….I told you about this already silly! 😛 Add it to your Amazon Wish list and MAYBE one of Santa’s elves will send it to you. 😉

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