After an introduction by the fully-functioning Denise Crosby, we welcome our studio guest, Sunny, to the madness of PodCulture!

Glenn’s been shopping at the Gun Show in town, and has seen “I Am Legend”. He compares the novel to the several versions of film, and has a high opinion of the newest incarnation. We talk about Christmas with Brad’s family, finishing shopping, and watching Invader Zim. Sunny introduces us to XKCD, and admires the masterful Halo 3 tactics of his stepson.

Glenn’s been watching Jet Li’s “Fearless”, “Superbad”, “I Know Who Killed Me”, and “Hot Fuzz”. Christina and Brad are still plowing through Babylon 5, “Dodgeball”, (the movie we couldn’t think of was “Blast From The Past”), and watched the last three episodes of season 3 of Doctor Who. Brad laments the choice of car in the remake of Knight Rider. Glenn drop the bomb that Dead Zone and 4400 have been canceled. Christina has finally finished the master list of the household dvd collection. Sunny’s been watching “Bourne Ultimatum”, “Bollywood/Hollywood”, and “Namesake”.

Brian from the British Invaders podcast sends us a voicemail explaining the Chanukah flavors from our Jones Soda collection.

For Geek Cuisine, we’re all about the holidays this week, as Brad talks about (and shares) his contribution for his “Candy Day” family tradition.

Thanks so much to Worm Quartet for “Hair On The Soap”, and thanks to the NightGig podcast for their promo!

By Brad

3 thoughts on “PodCulture 83: Sunny Days – Part 1”
  1. Merry Geeky Christmas you guys n’ gals!
    Hope Santa was good too you all.
    I seem to be having trouble downloading this episode. Is it on my end or yours?

    Catch you later!


  2. Fred…I did some checking and apparently there is some sort of server issue with the server that our site (and files) are hosted on.

    Some of the other FPM shows are experiencing the same thing. I’m not crazy about it but until it is fixed (new hardware due to be installed this weekend) file delivery could be erratic at best.

    I’d suggest trying a couple of things: A. Try downloading again later…system may work then. B. Try downloading via iTunes, sometimes they cache the files and you may be able to get a copy thru them, or C. ping me on Skype (username: PodCulture)and I can manually send you the file.

    I appologize for any problems you are having, and thank you for sticking with us thru these pesky issues that pop up now and again.


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