Don’t let the Sham Wow guy mop up after this week’s episode of PodCulture!

Glenn’s been in cartoon superhero Wonder(woman)land, watching the spangled siren and Hulk vs Thor and Hulk vs Wolverine. Adam’s been playing Mirror’s Edge on the PC and Master Chief in real life at a gun range. Christina’s enjoying a kind of magic, looking forward to One Night of Queen. Brad’s keeping up with their usual roster of shows, and trying to get the season opener of Primeval to play.

Brad remembers the wonderful Joe Murphy on the anniversary of his passing, and we proudly play Mason Rocket by Beatnik Turtle.

They came, they geeked, they told. Christina regales the things she brought back from Cleveland, including a couple of Invader Zim shirts from Hot Topic, and the Phantom music box and Vampire Slayer Kit from her parents. Brad’s got a Fantastic Four zombies shirt, as well as Final Crisis and Hellboy shirts. The pair have brought another koala into the fold, and you’ll just have to listen to find out why Adam is doing the macarena. Brad’s added a set of Green Lantern buttons and a Justice League International G’Nort figure to his volumes of verdigris. New Death Stroke and Hawkman figures find room on his shelves, and a Battlestar Galactica Anders figure reminds them of Fox Mulder. Glenn’s been good this week, and Adam shows off his fantastic sonic screw driver, telling us about his CG model Tardis.

Geek Cuisine finds Fizzies Root Beer Drink Tablets bubbling in our tummies. Find out what happens when Adam puts one in his mouth, and find out what he says to have it (nearly) out Brad’s nose.

Glenn’s Guilty Pleasure has altitude this week, with Flight Of The Living Dead. Christina questions the Old Greg videos her brother suggests on You Tube.

In honor of Joe, we close with the lewd, but much loved, First of May by Jonathan Coulton. The promo this week is for the one and only Kick Ass Mystic Ninjas.

By Brad

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