Get out the 3-D glasses, and join us in the PodCulture Theater for this week’s episode!

Glenn begins by sharing that he’s finishing watching Buffy, and has always enjoyed Once More With Feeling. Adam’s taken some time off, enjoying some 3-D modeling, playing (and beating) Mirror’s Edge, and building a computer with his brother as a birthday present. The boys talk about various geek rights of passage, and Christina also wishes her beautiful sister, Miranda, a happy 13th birthday. Guaranteed to blow your mind, Christina relished the concert One Night of Queen, starring the amazing Gary Mullen and The Works. The pair are watching Dollhouse, Big Bang Theory and the trio talk about timey-wimey things from Lost.

Future meets past as the gang talks books from The Kindle to the time travelly goodness of Doctor Who books. Brad’s added The Doctor Who Encyclopedia, The Doctor Trap, Ghosts of India, Shining Darkness and The Eyeless to his Tardis shelf. The Torchwood books, including Trace Memory, Pack Animals and Skypoint join them, and Christina’s pride and joy is the interactive Doctor Who Time Travels book. What do you think about books going paperless? Is it “green” or ghastly? Write us or call us!

Adam provides  Mana Energy Potion for this week’s hyper-hypo Geek Cuisine!

Glenn gives us the scary and subtitled Day Watch and Night Watch pair of Guilty Pleasures.

Brad talks about the newest addition to the PodCulture Theater; their new 47 inch Vizio flat screen HDTV, christening it with both Serenity and Prince Caspian.

Promos come graciously from The Babylon Podcast, The Signal, What the Cast and The British Invaders Podcast.

By Brad

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