Andy and Ashlee join the PodCulture Crew in the studio this week!

Glenn opens this week’s news, sharing that he’s signed up for Netflix. Adam’s swamped at work, but has made time to test out his new waterproof camera. Andy’s teaching is back in session, and coaching soccer, leaving less time for geeking, but will be on his way to Dragon Con soon. Ashlee’s been to Toronto, and the equally garbage-filled Masters of The Universe “classic”. She’s filling in on
Buffy and Angel! Brad’s reconfigured the studio and enjoying his dual monitor set-up.

Geek Cuisine is Herr’s Prime Steak Flavored potato chips.

Glenn’s picked up the eighth season of Smallville, and we’re intrigued by The Vampire Diaries. Adam’s trying to catch up with Supernatural before it begins again (on September 10th). He’s watched Ghost In The Shell: Standalone Complex, and he and Ashlee fill us in on their favorite characters. Andy’s enjoying The I.T. Crowd! Christina is
watching Black Books, having enjoyed Run Fatboy Run and How To Lose Friends and Alienate People. Brad and Christina have been watching BBC’s Robin Hood, and Glenn reminds us of Rocket Robin Hood. Brad is enjoying streaming (most recently Star Trek Deep Space Nine) to the XBox from Media Center on Windows 7. Ashlee is watching Buffy, Angel, Avatar: The Last Airbender, and the Australian talk show, Rove Daily.

Promos come from Podcasting for Water from Jesus Geek podcast,  and The GeekCast.

By Brad

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