Ashlee opens this dvd and television segment with the geektastic Big Bang Theory, the ever-cool Castle and Superman/Batman Public Enemies. Everyone e-mail Glenn to make his girlfriend watch Big Bang Theory. Ashlee lets us know about the actual Richard Castle novel, “Heat Wave”, that she bought. Glenn is streaming Amazing Stories and Jim Henson’s Storyteller on XBox. Brad and Christina are watching classic Sylvester McCoy Doctor Who, and the gang discusses the new Who logo. Adam is rewatching Star Trek, and Brad and Christina have watched G.I. Joe: Rise of Cobra

Get in line for a spooky smooch! We’ve got Caramel Apple Hershey Kisses

What do you get when Stan Lee and the progeny of Sean Connery meet? Guilt: The Revenge! Guilty Pleasures is back, as Glenn inflicts…I mean..”shares” Stan Lee’s Lightspeed. (And yes, you can stream it on Netflix.) Glenn is looking for “Battle Beyond The Stars” on dvd.

We close this episode with talk of rock climbing and frogs whisperers and Lewis Black. Glenn suggests the Jerry Doyle radio show, we think of shows we didn’t talk about, and Adam urges us to enjoy the lovely fall weather. Christina ponders the nutjob that lives upstairs. Ashlee is off to the great wild west coast, and we shall miss her!

Promos: The Dollhouse Podcast, J.C. Hutchins’ 7th Son Descent and The Cue the Film Podcast

By Brad

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