Welcome back! We three geeks bring you the third part of our episode! Brad, Christina and Adam discuss the variations on the Kentucky accent, and Glenn will be back!

Bold Fruit Smoothie Jolly Rancher Candy Canes make up another festive Geek Cuisine!

Glenn returns in time to talk about movies and television. He starts out with Terminator Salvation, talking about the video game and movie combo. He and Carly have started watching Fringe, which excites Christina to no end. She wants him to watch the new Prisoner so he can explain things to her. Brad is finally getting into True Blood, and is catching up to where Christina and Adam have left off. Christina is in her bunk at the suggestion of a fight between Spike and Eric. (Ladies, take a moment to think about that one.) She and Brad are watching Law and Order: UK with Freema Agyeman and Jamie Bamber. Glenn is watching Conspiracy Theory with Jesse Ventura. Brad is lamenting the cancellation of Dollhouse, but looking forward to the two hour blocks each Friday. Christina got weepy during the second-to-last episode of Glee. Adam is watching the usual Castle and Big Bang Theory, as well as Lock and Load. He is finally into the current season of Supernatural. He has watched Inglorious Bastards, and the gang discusses what we normally expect from Quentin Tarantino versus what the movie brings. Brad happily brought home Star Trek on blu ray.

In closing, Brad tries to convince Adam to buy a Nintendo DS. Christina suggests enjoying the outdoors before it gets seriously cold, and Adam hopes his job doesn’t deport him to Green Bay for training. The gang talks about their gamer tags on the 360, and the guys invite everyone to play Left 4 Dead 2. Brad gives you a sneak peek at the new PodCulture site at http://www.podculture.net and picks on Glenn one more time before we close.

Promos come from a pair of prematurely canceled tv shows. The Dollhouse Podcast and Future Traditions: a Jericho Podcast!

By Brad

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