Glenn is working his wings off, and Christina is in Cleveland for her grandpa’s funeral, so Adam and Brad welcome Shane into the studio!

The guys open with a monstrous Geek Cuisine! They brave the KFC Double Down, and we see who got squishy, who got saucy and who got experimental.

Brad explains why he and Christina are staying put, and shows off the new gray office. Adam has been working out and working his way up to Admiral in Star Trek Online. After Adam gets Shane drooling to try his hand at the Federation, Brad promises to hook up. Adam has also been watching Primeval and agrees that Abby is a hottie. He aims to get back to his rendering, and, like Brad, has picked up Avatar on blu-ray. Brad’s collection has also grown by Speed Racer on blu-ray, if for no other reason than the color and art. The two both have Sherlock Holmes and find it fantastic. Shane segues into the Green Lantern movie, and the guys discuss the sticking points on their wish list. When he’s not been busy with school, Shane has been playing Final Fantasy XIII. He has beaten Bioshock 2, God of War 3 and Mass Effect 2 while keeping up with television. He and Brad discuss comic book animated movies and look forward to Public Enemies 2. Brad talks about his Gamefly booty call, and getting Blazblue, Tatsunoku vs Capcom, Brutal Legend and Batman: Arkham Asylum.

The trio returns for another Geek Cuisine, and they take one (or three) for Dewmocracy. They try the new flavors of Mountain Dew. Find out if the boys prefer Typhoon, White Out or Distortion Dew.

In closing, leave us recommendations on our voicemail line, leave a review on iTunes and leave us on your iPod when you’re outside enjoying the great weather!

Brad lets us know that the Parsec Awards nominations are open so go nominate your favorite geeks!

Promos come courtesy of The Seeker Cast, The Signal and The British Invaders Podcast.

By Brad

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