We are without Glenn this week, so what happens when Brad, Christina and Adam are left to their own devices? Tighten your trainers, it’s Tardis Interruptus!

Adam opens with an awful lot of running in the heat, and he has joined Christina in watching 30 Rock. Christina is loving the show, and talks about an article she has found about the characters. She and Brad have watched the Syfy mini-series, Phantom, and while she enjoyed it, he has issues with the interpretation. They are all anticipating…with horror…Sharktopus. Christina is giddy that she will be seeing The Phantom of the Opera with her mom soon, and defends her film collection. Brad has won a free download of Deadliest Warrior on Xbox Live, and while he’s grateful for the gift, he was let down by the actual game. Christina downloaded the trial of Monkey Island game on the 360, and while she loves the story and characters, she prefers the game play on the PC.

Glenn returns to share Geek Cuisine, and brings us limited edition Lightening Thief Airheads.

The Time Traveling Trio geek in depth, about the 2009 Doctor Who special, The Waters of Mars. Each discusses what their favorite parts were and why. Having seen the completed tenure of Tennant, they muse how his character has grown and the scope he plays within during this special. Did the special leave you thirsty for more, or with a dry taste in your mouth? Let us know!

In closing, we suggest watching classic episodes of Doctor Who, 30 Rock and IT Crowd. Adam reminds us to watch Avatar: The Last Airbender (the series), and he is thrilled that a follow up series, “The Legend of Kora” is in the works. Brad has found an app so he can play Divx and Xvid files on his phone. Christina covets Bernard Cribbins for her grandfather, and shares the fact that he is a singer as well.

The band, Chameleon Circuit, has brought us the song, “An Awful Lot of Running” from their self-titled album. From the album Trock On! (A Collection of Who Inspired Songs), we have “Who Turned Out The Lights”, by Harriet Jones and the Former Prime Ministers and “My Name is John Smith (I Am The Doctor)”, by The Lonely Traveler.

By Brad

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