Welcome back Time Lords and Ladies!

Brad, Adam and Christina welcome Justin into the console room for another Tardis Interruptus! We’ve gathered with our fezzes and Stetsons to discuss the Christmas episode of Doctor Who, A Christmas Carol. Spoilers! If you haven’t seen the episode, firstly, where have you been?! Secondly, we take it apart, so be warned. Justin is aided by Adam in the episode synopsis with all it’s steam punk and lens flare glory. We discuss Michael Gambon’s character and acting genius, as well as the talent and beauty of Katherine Jenkins. We enjoy the usefulness of the Tardis, the telling lyrics of the music and the cooperation of BBC America. Adam discusses the CGI shark and Christina brings up the “Father’s Day” epside contradiction of interaction.

Geek Cuisine is ….wait for it….Jelly Babies!

What did Santa, who The Doctor calls Jeff, bring us this year? Adam gave his older brother the disappearing Tardis mug, the Adipose stress squeezer to his sister, and his roommate received the Tom Baker sonic screwdriver. Christina gave Brad a Karen Gillan autograph and an Amy Pond figure, while she tells the woeful tale of painting the frame “Tardis blue”. Justin’s family might not have gone shopping on Galifrey, but Christina gave him, Adam and Brad a print of Van Gogh’s Exploding Tardis. Before Christmas, Brad picked up Doctor Who:Coming of the Terraphiles by Michael Morcock, with a forward by Neil Gaiman. Everyone is excited about the episode written by Neil this year. Quantum Mechanix is working on some fantastic Whovian kit, and we’re all looking forward to it, while Christina requests a Pandorica Box paperweight. Jokingly, she requests a radio controlled “future” Sarah Jane, and contemplated costume design for Dragon Con. If you got or gave some cool Who stuff this season, tell us, please?

In conclusion, we all muse about the bits and clips in the trailer for this year’s episodes. Justin gives us his theory about who River Song killed, and we’re all happy to see Mark Shepherd. We discuss BBC America, which leads us to The IT Crowd and Doc Martin, which leads us back around to Tee Fury and their awesome Whovian shirts. Christina talks about the Big Finish audio dramas and Adam throws us his theory about The Silence. Brad introduces to the gang that Peter Davison is slated to be on Law and Order: UK, to much rejoicing!

Music this week is extra special, including Good Old Girl by Marian Call and Type 40 by Chameleon Circuit. We thank The British Invaders for their promo!

By Brad

2 thoughts on “PodCulture 238: TARDIS Interruptus – Vol. 4”
  1. Hi gang. Just finished listening to the pocast and it was great. Just wanted to let you know that there is also Doctor Who on audio available from audiogo.co.uk which does stuff from BBC Audio. There is a six part storyline titled “The Hornet’s Nest” featuring Tom Baker as the Doctor for the first time since he left the role in 1981. You can buy and download or get it on CD. Cost will vary depending on which format you get. Just thought I would pass this on for any Fourth Doctor fans in the audience who may not have been aware of this little item and for those who have listened to all of the stuff from Big Finish and still want more…

    Also, for those who may have forgotten the Shuttle Orbiter Enterprise turns 35 this summer. The newest one, Endeavour, turns 23 this year.

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