Welcome back, Geeklings!

Brad, Christina and Adam welcome Justin and Richard into the studio for PodCulture. Richard opens, sharing birthday wishes to Nick and Lisa, and being a bit under the weather. Christina shares the beginning of her story of her whirlwind weekend trip to Cleveland to see Rick Springfield with her mom. Justin shares about his laughing little nephew and how he’s trying to teach him new geek words. Adam regales his white water rafting trip on the Gauley River in West Virginia. In geek terms he is finally caught up on Supernatural, just in time for it to start up again. Adam has also been building 3D models for new animation he’s working on. Brad shares some of the craziness of Dragon Con, and Christina was glad to follow it all on Twitter.

Richard opens TV and DVD talk with having watched the Resident Evil movies and some classic Doctor Who. He is loading up on zombie flicks anticipating the start of season 2 of Walking Dead. Justin holds out hope that it will survive the budget cuts and the boys debate casting decisions. Christina has been watching old episodes of Tony Robinson’s Time Team series. Justin is caught up on Castle in time for the new season and he and discuss the fight for Eureka. Thanks to Adam, he is watching Sons of Guns. Justin has also been keeping up with Sons of Anarchy and has enjoyed the movie Warrior. Finally, he is catching up on Star Trek series and Luther. The gang debates different methods of watching television. Christina was impressed with the documentary series The Tower on Netflix. Adam absolutely loved The King’s Speech. On the flip side of the quality coin, he watched The Fast Five, dubbing it a travelogue for Rio. He gives The Adjustment Bureau a thumbs sideways. Justin tells why he hated Conan The Barbarian before the movie even started. Speaking of remakes, Adam has just seen The A-Team, and the group discusses the translation, leading them to dread upcoming remakes of films. Richard speaks on The Planet of The Apes. They go on a spree of Captain America, Avengers and Thor. Adam has watched Torchwood and True Blood. He is managing to fit in Sons of Guns and It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia. They are happy to hear that Tucker and Dale Versus Evil is available as a preview to download. The geeks try to sort out the Alphas, Warehouse 13 and Eureka triangle. Brad and Christina talk about how Alphas is what Heroes should have been and Justin explains the premise of Misfits. Christina and Brad are watching Spooks: Code 9 with the lovely Georgia Moffett. Speaking of the petite actress, the pair have watched her in White Van Man. Christina loved Thor with Anthony Hopkins and Idris Elba. She misspeaks and Stellan Skarsgard is Alexander’s dad, and not his uncle, but we love her all the same.

Christina has found this episode’s Geek Cuisine. It’s Gimbal’s Cherry Lovers Hearts with nine different flavors and real fruit juice. In double barrel shot of sugar, she also shares the twelve flavors of Gimbal’s Sour Lovers Hearts. This assortment of awesome has amazing flavors with antioxidant vitamin C. Justin puts four sour hearts in his mouth at once, and if you listen really closely you can hear his face explode.

Thank you to The Type 40 Podcast and Critical Myth Podcast for their promos!

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By Brad

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