GLADOS welcomes you to PodCulture with the promise of cake, and Richard and Justin join Brad, Adam and Christina in the studio!

Adam begins Tech Talk with his shiny new HP DM 1Z with ADM’s new fusion processor. Brad likes the flat keys, Christina enjoys the small size and Richard appreciates the VGA Out port. Adam has been cleaning off the copious amounts of extraneous stuff that comes pre-loaded on computers. Richard shares the granddaddy of Adam’s lappy, the HP Rugged. Richard and Brad discuss versions of Windows. Justin has just bought a Playstation 3, and the boys talk about Portal 2. Justin loved Batman Arkham Asylum and Uncharted. Christina offers to lend her copy of Little Big Planet, but he’s busy with Resistance and L.A. Noir. Christina would love the “Lie To Me” aspect of the game if not the driving bits. Arkham City, Modern Warfare 3 and Battlefield 3. Richard loves the graphics in Dead Island, enticing Brad to pick it up as well. The gang discusses how Sony compensated members for their issues. Brad is enjoying the updates to DC Universe Online and finds out that it will go free to play soon. He appreciates Microsoft releasing the developer preview of Windows 8. Richard raises the question of compatibility. In a discussion of failure of tech, the geeks share about the Sherman Minton Bridge closure, making the Indiana to Kentucky commute a nightmare. They speculate about various fixes and detours. Christina is the anti-climactic end to the tech segment, still addicted to The Sims on Facebook.

Pour a glass of milk for this Geek Cuisine! We indulge in Triple Double Oreos! As a side dish of sweetness, Brad shares his Huber’s Apple Cider. The whole room is excited about the upcoming Trader Joe’s in the area. Christina delivers on GLADOS’ threat with dessert this week, in the form of watermelon Jell-o cupcakes.

In closing, Justin entreats us to tune in to BBC America for the tv version of The Nerdist Podcast with Chris Hardwick. Justin then brings up the issue of prejudice against things in the geek community, and the need to back up our opinions. Do you know someone who says, “I hate…” sight unseen? Or have you judged the comic book by its cover? Were the sweeping statements proved wrong? Tell us the story! Adam is loving the great weather and looking forward to the new fall season. Christina is listening to, and highly recommends, The How To Train Your Dragon series written by Cressida Cowell and brilliantly performed by David Tennant. After an epic closing segment, Brad’s final thought gets stolen by Richard.

Thanks to The 99 Penny Dreadfuls and The British Invader Podcast for their promos!

By Brad

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