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The gaggle of geekboys is girless this week, as Christina is in Cleveland. Glenn opens with the fact that he’s been watching Torchwood Miracle Day, amidst mid-season finales and Playstation 4. Adam is enjoying his new role in his new office. He’s acquired bourbon barrels for crafty ideas and is catching up on Supernatural when he’s not playing video games. Everyone’s getting ready for Christmas. Brad is still on the hunt for work, and crossing fingers. He’s wishing more games and better controllers would come out.

Glenn’s Guilty Pleasure this week is more Halloween than Christmas, with Roger Korman’s Frankenstein Unbound. John Hurt is a time traveling doctor (sound familiar?) creating the ultimate weapon, who bumps into a young Mary Shelley.

Time for the grub, it’s Geek Cuisine! It’s Cheddar and Bacon Goldfish Puffs! While not bad, the boys don’t find them especially good. Clara, the PodCat, makes her podcast debut.

The guys are back from the break, recharged on Mountain Dew Game Fuel. Glenn scrolled ahead and is excited for The Time Of The Doctor, the Doctor Who Christmas special as well as the Sherlock special, Many Happy Returns. He lists off when the shows we love come back, and when the mid-season finales air. They take a moment to talk about the Whedon in-joke in SHEILD and the evolution toward a more comic book feel. Glenn and Brad are glad to know that John Noble will be a recurring character on Sleepy Hollow. Adam is behind on Supernatural, but Glenn is still impressed with what’s going on. He is liking The Originals as a worthy spinoff of Vampire Diaries. Glenn calls Nina Dobrev the hardest working woman in acting, but Brad nominates Tatiana Maslany from Orphan Black.

Thanks to our musical guests this week, including Insane Ian with The Ultra Epic Video Game Medley IV and Mikey Mason with ScoobyThulu.

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By Brad

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