Welcome back to PodCulture after a greeting from the effervescent Ron Glass.

Glenn is watching Teen Wolf, while Brad and Christina are creeped out by Stiles’ nightmares. The Originals is still twisty and turny, keeping it interesting. Glenn just appreciates Phoebe Tonkin. Tomorrow People is keeping them going, due to Mark Pellegrino and Robbie Amell.

Spoiler alert, the gang discusses all three episodes of Sherlock.The gang discusses the three M’s. Adam remarks that some of the plot devices were a little easier to spot than normal. Brad loves all the asides with Mrs. Hudson. Christina loves The Holmes family. Everyone is happy that two more seasons have been announced.

Adam has been watching Breaking Bad with Cristalle. It took her a while to get sucked in, but now she’s addicted. She mentions the not-lego RV kits. Adam has her watching Firefly, so now Cristalle is officially a Browncoat. Community is back and Adam gives it a re-stamp of approval. Glenn and Adam discuss Helix, not holding out hope as to how it can last a whole season. Christina and Adam watched the final IT Crowd Episode. Cristalle and Christina discuss the brilliant heartbreak of Downton Abbey. Cristalle talks about The Crash Reel, the doctumentary about snowboarder Kevin Pearce. Brad talks about the Stargate non-Legos from Christina, which leads him to talk about BBC’s Atlantis. Christina is gutted that Ripper Street was cancelled.

Cristalle brought Geek Cuisine this week, too with chocolate covered scorpions!

In closing, Glenn shows off his one-quarter scale Michael Keaton Batman figure. Adam’s final thought is the fact that it’s too cold to run, but he’s still working out. He recommends playing Assassins Creed Black Flag. Cristalle enjoyed both weird Geek Cuisines. Christina says to enjoy the cold weather while it lasts before the humidity starts. Brad asks that you keep fingers crossed for his job hunt!

Music includes Tom Smith with “I’m On Firefly”. Adam WarRock and Mikal kHill with “Preacher Book”, and “Joss Give Me a Season” by Insane Ian

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By Brad

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