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When all else fails, sugar up! Glenn shares his Peanut Butter M&Ms!

Justin finished the 3rd season of Sherlock and waits for the next. He’s slowly making his way through Arrow and everyone loves Felicity. Adam and Justin talk about the perfection that is Community. Hannibal is back, disturbing us far and wide. Justin’s going through Game of Thrones again, simultaneously reading the corresponding book. Orphan Black is one of the most impressive shows going. He has Sleepy Hollow on the back burner, but the hype from the rest of the gang is getting him to keep watching. Brad talks about one of his favorite moments in Justified. Justin recommends The Americans and asks for suggestions. Brad suggests Farscape. He and Christina are loving Almost Human. They’re watching Black Sails and find Tom Hopper the only reason to watch it. The Musketeers is far more entertaining, even if it may only be because of Peter Capaldi. Adam looks forward to the next Doctor Who season. They’ve seen Thor 2 and enjoyed it, discussing favorite parts. Justice League War wasn’t as impressive to Brad as it should have been. It leads them to an Arrow debate about what’s to come. Brad and Christina watched the pilot of Chris Carter’s show, The After, on Amazon Prime. Brad backed a kickstarter from Whedon alumni called Lust for Love. Adam is on season nine of Supernatural. Walking Dead is back and the heartbreaking moments ensue. Adam and Justin talk about Talking Dead and At Midnight. Brad and Christina watched Adam’s recommendations of Myth Busters Star Wars and Dangerous Toys.

Back for another dose of sucrose, they share Cookie Dough and Marshmallow Crispy Oreos!

Glenn is looking forward to Wizard World Louisville, including Matt Smith and Karen Gillan. He tried the Titanfall beta on the PC and finds it pretty slick. Adam’s final thought is about going back to school. Justin says to go see The Lego Movie. Christina recommends reading something that makes you aware of yourself, and Brad is still looking for a good job.

Music includes My Favorite Part by Dino Mike and Red Wedding by Beth Kinderman. The promo this week comes courtesy of Tales From The Archives.

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By Brad

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