The final episode of PodCulture’s first year finds the gang with a studio filled with guests!

Geek Cuisine is a HUGE event this episode! Scott and Sam from the Two Geeks a Mic and a Podcast and True Believers podcasts join the PodCulture crew for not just one, or two, but EIGHTEEN different flavors of soda from the Jones Soda Company. Including such masterpieces like Turkey and Gravy, and Brussel Sprouts flavors! This is one section of the show you do NOT want to miss! Check out the gang’s reactions as they adventure their way through the culinary peculiarities!

TV and DVD chatter includes Batman Beyond, Torchwood, Heroes, Ultraviolet, the Superman Ultimate Collectors Edition, Gyver, Stargate Atlantis, and Stargate SG-1.

Brad rants about mail-in rebates for electronic items. Christina rants about misplaced luggage, while Glenn has a mini rant about the Warlord comic issue 10.

Game chatter includes the Xbox 360, WoW 2.0 and WoW Burning Crusade.

Promos for this extra length extra special episode include The Scapecast, The Babylon Podcast, The 9th a Heroes podcast, TWO Torchcast, and True Believers.

By Brad

4 thoughts on “PodCulture 27: The Heroic Holiday Special”
  1. Heroes is the best! I am so glad you gave in… heehee!

    Are you on the list?

    When you catch up… you will understand that line!

  2. Brad and Christina,

    What’s going on? I just had to drop you a line and ask this question. What do you like about Torchwood? I could give many reasons what I find wrong with it, so am I missing something. I really wanted to like it, but if it weren’t for its Dr Who connection, I would have dropped long ago.

    P.S. Sorry Brad, I thought Cyberwoman was the worst one…


  3. Hi, Darin!
    I’ll grant you Torchwood isn’t perfectly stunning yet. I can’t speak for Brad, but I think I enjoy it because I really took to the character of Jack, and look foward to learning more about his mysterious past. Another reason is that it’s sort of a combination of X-Files and Doctor Who to me. I love that Gwen isn’t a supermodel and that all of the characters are flawed in some very human way. They’re not supergeniuses, or magical heroes (with the exception of Jack’s immortality). I think it’ll be great once it finds its feet. So far, my favorite episode has been “They Keep Killing Suzie”. I was as blown away as she was. =)

    All the best,

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