The second half of the new weekly version of PodCulture kicks off!

Toy Talk finds Glenn chatting about his new Xbox 360, and a whole slew of games like Need for Speed Most Wanted, Gears of War, Perfect Dark Zero, Dead or Alive 4, Dead Rising, Superman Returns, Marvel Ultimate Alliance, Sneak King, Big Bumpin, Pocket Bike Racer. Brad continues the toy discussion with his DC Direct Green Lantern action figures. Glenn also chats about Burning Crusade.

The guys also mark the passing of original Green Lantern creator Martin Nodell.

Glenn’s Guilty Pleasures this time around is the often talked about Robo Vampire! and as a special bonus the gang chats about a Christmas themed Guilty Pleasure, A Christmas Story.

Christina, Glenn and Brad start winding up the show with a whole slew of thank yous. Including The Bluegrass Browncoats website, webmistress Anya Balazs, the awsome artist Stuart Duncan, Jill Arroway and the rest of the crew from The Signal podcast, and bumper vocal artist Dani in NC.

The crew closes out by reflecting on some favorite memories, things and events from 2006. Such as Doctor Who, Torchwood, Smallville, How I Met Your Mother, Justice League Unlimited, Green Lantern, the Image comic book Invincible, the dvds Slither and League of Extraordinary Gentlemen, The Shadow, and Batman Begins.

Promos for this show include The 9th- a Heroescast.

We hope our listeners are having a fantastic holiday season!

By Brad

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