Sorry for the delay in show notes. Christina had a craptastic week of doctor (sadly not THE Doctor) visits, and she wasn’t at her notes-writing best.
Kindly stepping into Glenn’s working shoes this week is Indiana Jim from the Things Are Looking Up podcast.

Jim shares his insight into Star Wars, and we talk about how George Lucas should (or shouldn’t have) changed his movies. Discussing the evolution of special effects, we weigh the question of whether or not it benefits the movie, and serves the die-hard fans, to update effects in film. We debate the importance and placement of some of the more annoying characters in the Star Wars films, such as Jar Jar, and the Ewoks. Can knowing the backstory of a character such as Darth Vader change how we feel about them? Christina and Brad bring up Wicked by Gregory Maguire, and how the sympathy we fostered for The Wicked Witch has forever changed how we view The Wizard of Oz.

Guilty Pleasures this week comes from Glenn’s Sirens of Cinema magazine in the form of Hundra. The She-Ra to Conan’s He-Man, it’s a titan clashing good time.

Geek Cuisine freezes our taste buds with Hot Tamales Ice.

Promos this week come from Mason Rocket at the Joe Murphy Memorial, and in honor of Joe, our musical interlude is a harmony of podcasters performing Jonathan Coulton’s “The First of May”.

By Brad

2 thoughts on “PodCulture 46: More Than Meets the Ear – Part B”
  1. Thanks for having me, guys! It was a great pleasure and I can’t wait to do it again!

  2. Yeah, I’m in between Glenn and Brad on the age range, and I can remember vividly to this day my first theater viewing of Star Wars. Made me the geek I am today. I found Tolkien later, and it just went all to hades from there.

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