The Beastmaster himself, Marc Singer, introduces PodCulture this week….

Will you still need us? Will you still feed us (candy, preferably) now we’re sixty-four?

The geeksome threesome exhaustedly recaps the hectic humidity and fanboy fanaticism of Dragon*Con 2007.

Glenn recants his purchases, which include his Gears of War t-shirt (which has inspired him to start playing the game again), many dvds that will be future Guilty Pleasures, an autographed copy of “Girl’s and Goddesses-Pin Up Art” by Joseph Michael Linsner, and his very own John Wesley Shipp autograph. For Carly, Glenn’s bought cds by Bella Morte, and Cruxshadows.

Brad and Christina made out with a “Doctor Who In Your Pocket” voice key chain, and a three pack of Doctor Who figures. Brad picked up two Green Lantern patches, and an SG-1 patch, as well as two autographed Stargate Atlantis novels. Christina picked up a fan-made Farscape communicator pin. Brad found some Babylon 5 figures to complete his collection, and a katana with which to save the cheerleader and the world. The two found stuffed animals for each other (honestly, are you surprised?). Brad found a Feigenbaum prop replica for Christina, and she added to his koala army with a pair of puppets they’ve named Fat Mama and Major Baby.

Brad added to his filk collection as well, with four Worm Quartet cds, Animation Compilation and Baconspiracy by Luke Ski, and several by the wonderful Tom Smith. Tom has graciously sent us more mp3s, and they’re fantastic!

Brad and Christina gush about getting autographs from and talking to Juliet Landau, beloved Lone Gunmen: Bruce Harwood and Tom Braidwood, Paul McGillion, Gigi Edgely, Lani Tupu, Corin Nemec, and Marc Singer.

They also talk about one of the biggest highlights, meeting James Marsters. James gives us a little insight into his upcoming role in Torchwood. (Ladies, get the cold showers running now.)

Christina tells the story of her encounter with Who Wants To Be a Superhero’s Major Victory, and Brad critiques his comic book.

Lastly, Christina gushes about William Katt, and what it was like to meet her very first television crush, 25 years after she first saw the show, and why he’s still the Greatest American Hero.

Geek Cuisine is the cocoa fluff goodness of Kraft Chocolate Marshmallows. The gang talk about sweet potato french fries, despite which, Christina is determined to stay on her low-carb diet.

Wrapping up, Brad and Christina talk about the idiocy, and down right meanness of some of the Hyatt staff, and we discuss possibly stopping at Medieval Times next year on the way home.

Don’t forget to enter the Elvis Mini-Series contest, and to wish Brad a happy-belated birthday!

Promos this week come courtesy of The Second Shift Podcast, and our musical guest is the fabulously fantastic Tom Smith with the heartbreaking “Take Your Hands Off The Bear” from his “iTom 2.0” collection of songs.

By Brad

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