PodCulture 63: LIVE! Real Time Travel Info
After an introduction by the heroically gracious Major Victory, the Culture Crew goes live (well, Memorex) from the Dragon Con experience 2007! Taking advantage of the Real Time Travel Info,…
Equal Opportunity Geekness
After an introduction by the heroically gracious Major Victory, the Culture Crew goes live (well, Memorex) from the Dragon Con experience 2007! Taking advantage of the Real Time Travel Info,…
Welcome to the pre-Dragon*Con special! After an introduction by Texas Chainsaw Massacre star Allan Danziger, the gang geeks about what they’re most looking forward to at Dragon Con. Claudia Black,…
Batten down the hatches, geeks! After an introduction from Andre Gower, the Culture Crew returns! Fresh from the Fright Night Film Festival, Brad and Glenn are worn down to fanboy…
The Culture Crew starts off their 60th episode with an apology for omitting information from the previous show. The song “You’ve Got Hogwarts” was by Robert Lund and was from…