We open this week’s geeking with porn for bibliophiles! After talking about their delinquency in libraries, Glenn tells us about his new comics from Radical Comics, including Hercules: The Thracian Wars and Caliber. The new hardcover on his shelf is Ron Paul’s “The Revolution: A Manifesto”. Brad and Christina have the Stargate novel, “The Morpheus Factor” and two Doctor Who novels, “Peacemaker” and “The Pirate Loop”. Brad is happy to add one of the Babylon 5 Script Books by J. Michael Straczynski. Christina and Brad are letting the foam fly as they talk about Avenue Q.

Geek Cuisine burns off your eyebrows and makes your teeth ache with Airheads.

We’re officially paying our penance with a replay of “Jesus Christ: Vampire Hunter” for Guilty Pleasures.

Promos this week come courtesy of Mike’s Hot Dish, J.C. Hutchins’ 7th Son: Obsidian, and from J.C. Hutchins and Scott Sigler for The Parsec Awards.

We wish all the best to Chris The Fixed Kitty, in her quest for answers and treatment regarding Post-Viral Chronic Fatigue Syndrome .

Thanks and awe to Barenaked Hurley for “Sitting On A Chair”.

By Brad

One thought on “PodCulture 106: Frack You Benry Linus – Part C”
  1. After hearing the “Avenue Q” discussion, I wondered if you’d seen “Meet the Feebles,” Peter Jackson’s whacked out puppet comedy from 1989. It’s hilarious, at least if you have a somewhat wrong sense of humor, and find puppets inherently funny. I do.

    Love the show.

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