Thanks so much to Adam for enduring yet another episode with us!

We bring on the bad as Glenn gives us “Machine Girl” as his next Guilty Pleasure!

Geek Cuisine takes a trip back to the 80s with Pop Rocks candy bars!

Geek and Tell has Brad laid out on the tiles with Mahjong Quest Expeditions for the DS while Christina’s getting her brain back together with Brain Challenge. The four give their best guess as to how long Joss Whedon’s new “Dollhouse” will air. Battlefield: Bad Company is keeping Glenn busy in the demo on XBox 360, and he’s waiting for his PS3. Brad goes against his own grain with Grand Theft Auto 4, and the guys geek on Flatout. Christina’s leader of the tribe with Virtual Villagers 3, and loves her hidden object games. The pair talk about Lego Indiana Jones.

For spinning stories (and promos) with the best of them, we thank Tee Morris for “The Case of the Pitcher’s Pendant: A Billibub Baddings Mystery”, and Philippa Ballantine for “Chasing The Bard”. We dare you not to be humming Beatnik Turtle’s “Johnny Jump Up” an hour (or a day, or a week) from now!

By Brad

6 thoughts on “PodCulture 110: Will Podcast for Food – Part C”
  1. How many more segments will this go? Will it match the 4-Epi sweep of “Frack You, Benry Linus”?

    We’ll see, Next time, on Pod Culture!

    Sorry, just sounded cool in my head.

  2. LOL…I’ll let ya in on a secret….there will be a fourth part. Since we usually record two eps in two weeks when we haven’t recorded for almost a month (like we did with the “Frack You” series and now with this series)we tend to geek a LONG time!

  3. to Lisa: Yeah I couldn’t let the passing of George Carlin pass by without doing something, and since we had already recorded it was too late to record anything and get it into the show. (not to mention the fact that the clip wasn’t exactly pod-safe either) It was also one of my favorite routines of his as well.

  4. There was a small mistake when you are talking about Machine girl…THEY ARE NINJA YAKUZA…not just YAKUZA. get it right.

  5. Shaded, I wasn’t aware that leaving off a discriptive term, made a term incorrect or untrue. Would my telling someone that I have a car be incorrect if I had say a BLUE car? I don’t think so.

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