Christina welcomes you to PodCulture at Dragon Con!

She and Brad welcome the some of the cast of The 9th: Heroes Podcast, Miranda, Gerry, Mark and Laura, and a special welcome to Cousin Jean.

Christina’s favorite things of the weekend were panels for Torchwood and Firefly. Gerry enjoyed the Battlestar panel and Mark loved winning a Parsec, and meeting fellow podcasters. Miranda won’t forget Nathan and Alan playing with her iRiver, and Laura enjoyed the many Doctor Who costumes. Brad and Christina enjoyed the Podcast Peer Awards ceremony.

Speaking of costumes, we all had favorites. Miranda found Lost’s Hugo, Cousin Jean enjoyed the “How I Met Your Mother” Robin Sparkles, Gerry loved the Iron Men and the Ghostbusters, Mark explains steam punk and tells us about Doctor Steel. Brad admired the Green Lantern Corps and Christina loved the “jammies and sword” Doctor Who. Laura was followed by a Middle Earth tree, and bought some beautiful Jason Palmer prints.

Geek Cuisine on the road is Violet Crumbles, and out of the entire room of podcasters, Brad and Christina are the only ones who like it.

A very, very special thank you to Andy aka Freehold South for his support at the Parsecs. Our very own number one Groupie! Congratulations to Mark on his Parsec for The Weird Show.

Did you go to Dragon Con? What was your favorite thing? Send us pictures!

By Brad

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