Our friends Lindsey, Scott and Ben (of the fantastic Geekshow.us) are back in the studio!

Glenn’s got a full house to Guiltify this week, as he brings Russ Meyer’s “Faster, Pussycat! Kill! Kill!” (And it’s NOT on Netflix! Boo!)

Bronze Thumb from Australia calls in with feedback on our Heroes rant from last week.

Christina entreats out listeners to come up with a P.O. Box jingle, as we profusely thank Jayhawk for his prezzies!! He’s sent us “The IT Crowd”, and Doctor Who Series 4 on dvd with scads of extras!

Geek And Tell begins with video games, because Brad’s got Bioshock for the PS3 and a funny story picking up Fable 2. Glenn’s picked up Far Cry 2, and recreated the Lost island. Everyone’s still jamming with Rock Band 2, and Adam’s got the new drums. We move into movies, as the PodCulture couple has the special edition of Iron Man on blu-ray, spawning a discussion about casting, speculaion about story, and news about future Iron Man films. They’ve also got the second (short) season of Heroes on blu-ray.  Christina has scored tickets for the tour of the Broadway production of Wicked. Speaking of things green, Glenn talks about The Hulk on dvd. He’s also got Journey To The Center of the Earth in 3D, Jack Brooks: Monster Slayer, the Nightmare on Elm Street movie set, Freddie vs. Jason, Feast 2, Hannibal, The Happening, Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal Skull.

In music, Glenn’s got the new Pink album. Brad’s got the Stargate DHD application, and Christina’s got the School of Rock application from the iTunes store.

Thank you very much to Brian Richardson from What The Cast!

By Brad

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