In the second half of the hallowgeeky special Christina summons her DS and talks about Scribblenauts. She gives an
example of a level, the crazy ways you can get through it, and some of the awesome easter eggs.

Jolly Rancher’s watermelon and green apple sodas make up our Geek Cuisine liquid refreshment. Are they as delicious as they sound? Oh, yes! We request our listeners to come up with a recipe for a Sonic Screwdriver.

The Halloweeny goodness continues with Baskin Robbins soft candies. We try a scoop of mint chocolate chip and a scoop of very berry strawberry. What goes horribly wrong with these? Who has got ninja reflexes, and who has got zombie reflexes? Who of us finds these candies tricks and not treats?

In closing, Christina poses the question to the boys, “What would you dress up as this year?”. Adam throws around the idea of zombie Billy Mays, and Throat Beard The Pirate. In reality, he’ll be going as Doctor (10) Who. Christina would be Sarah Jane Smith. Glenn and Brad decline to answer, and Christina suggests Sylvester McCoy for the latter. Glenn is just looking forward to going home to play Aion, and declines signing up for Champions. Adam thrills over the Halloween
episode of Castle, with its ultimate Firefly homage! Christina has spotted Morena Baccarin in viral ads online for “V”. Glenn reminds us to keep watching Supernatural!

Our scary songs this episode come from Insane Ian (featuring The Stacey) with “Umbrella Chronicles”, The Great Luke Ski with “Gory Gory Hallelujah”, Kim the Comic Book Goddess with “The Zombie Connection”, and Tom Smith with “When This Song Is Over You Will Die”.

By Brad

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