The Birthday Bacchanalian Celebration continues!

The gang reminisces about four years of podcasting, toys, and geektacular fun. Christina poses the task of adding up all the episodes of the multitudes of television shows the quartet has watched in as many years.

Christina and Brad regale his family’s tradition of Candy Day, and he shares the recipe (and the dorky variations) for his awesome candy. If you’d like the recipe, e-mail either of us. To counter the sweet with sour, Adam tells us about Miracle Berry Fruit Tablets from

Speaking of things that make your face (and other parts of you) pucker, Glenn inflicts…er…shares the film Far Cry with us. We’ve all watched this piece of Uwe Boll’s repertoire. Andy tells us about the former Guilty Pleasures that he’s found on Netflix.

The Jones Sodas of Christmas continue with strangely yummy Orange Cola, Pear Tree and Red Apple flavors!

Our merry music includes “Blame The Elves” by Moneyshot Cosmonauts and “Santa’s Gonna Telecommute This Christmas” by Power Salad, and our promo this week comes imprinted from The Dollhouse Podcast.

By Brad

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