Happy Birthday, PodCulture! Happy Holidays!

The quartet has gotten silly on soda, and Christina is quoting Gilbert and Sullivan as we start this episode!

Andy opens our tv and dvd segment with one of Christina’s favorite shows ever, Father Ted. He and his wife are going through Buffy before they pick up Babylon 5. He and his son are watching Fascape when he isn’t watching (proper) football. Brad shows off his shiny new entire collection of Farscape. We all marvel at the genius of Lani Tupu. Glenn is all caught up on Fringe, and going through hiatus withdrawal for his group of shows. He is still enjoying Conspiracy Theory. He and Carly are making their way though Charmed, and he has picked up the newest Harry Potter. Adam is almost caught up with Supernatural, and Better Off Ted, and the gang takes a moment to talk about Dollhouse. This leads to talk of the slew of Firefly and Serenity content and merchandise coming soon. Adam has also been watching Mystery Science Theater 3000 on Hulu.com, so he has begun watching season one again. Brad and Christina are loving Fringe, Castle, and Big Bang Theory. Christina compares the latest episode of Big Bang Theory to how she outsourced her Green Lantern crash course to Scott. Christina is loving the Alice miniseries on Syfy, and is loving Andrew Lee Potts as a tough guy. They have also watched Doctor Who Dreamland, the animated Doctor special also starring the lovely voice of Georgia Moffett. Christina loved the season finale of Glee, and is still adoring Lie To Me.

The gluttons for punishment finish out the last two flavors of Jones Soda this holiday season!! The agony and the ecstasy includes Jones Jumble Mixed Flavor Soda and Tofurkey and Gravy Soda! Find out who nearly chucks, who is turning green, and which brave Crew member finishes their cup!

In closing, Christina asks for good geeky Christmas prezzie stories! Andy shares our wishes to our listeners to have wonderful holiday
festivities, Adam gives his warning message for holiday soda drinking, and reminds us all to enjoy our memories this season. What cool things have you learned about this year? What geeky epiphanies have you had? Tell us! We’ll see you on the other side of 2009!

Promos come courtesy of The British Invaders and The Dollhouse Podcast.

Our musical interlude is “Connoisseur of Girl TV” by Bob Ricci.

What would the holidays be without a present? We leave you with (some of) our most embarrassing (and a bit explicit) bloopers!

By Brad

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