He has knocked four times, The Doctor has regenerated once again. Brad, Adam and Christina are drying their eyes and talking about David, The Doctor and Regeneration.

As they open, the Time Lords and Lady choose their favorite David Tennant episodes. What’s your favorite episode from David’s tenure? What’s your favorite episode for his character? Tell us!

Spoilers, they are a’flyin’! If you have not seen the last half of The End Of Time, please keep this episode on your hard drive until you have!

Christina does her best to recap the episode, and the boys fill in the gaps when she’s at a loss. She has nearly decapitated her Spike puppet during the tense show, and everyone in the room needs an adult beverage. They talk about special effects, character metamorphoses, and just rewards. Adam calls a character a dumbass, Brad appreciates hotness, and Christina will be picking up shards of broken hearts in the office for weeks. Is it a just ending to five years? Do they feel cheated? Vindicated? Find out. What endeared Matt Smith to the trio? What would they have changed? How does it remind them of Serenity? They adore Bernard Cribbins, and talk about the most moving bits of the episode. The gang discusses The Master and The Time Lords, and the lesser of two evils. They theorize about Torchwood and discuss two of the actors who were on Being Human. Each takes a turn listing their hopes for not only Matt Smith as an actor, but the show as a whole. Tell us what you think!

In closing, they honor the medium of good television, and discuss the United Kingdom’s most entertaining export. Brad and Christina are trying to get Adam to watch Primeval, and compare Andrew Lee Potts’ performances in that and Alice. Christina entreats future generations to create genius, and Brad begs Quantum Mechanix to take up Doctor Who merchandise!

Music comes affirmatively from Quantum Locked with “The Sound of Drums” and “Onward” by Dr. Noise. Both can be found on the brilliantly fantastic cd, Trock On.

By Brad

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