Welcome, ladies and gentlemen, to PodCulture’s 200th Episode Special!

We open with some fond memories of the early days of recording, and welcome Andy into the studio. Glenn has been playing a lot of Battlefield: Bad Company 2, and enjoys the art and aspects of teamwork in the game. Adam is finally a captain in Star Trek Online and shows off his Galaxy Class ship. Andy is still playing City of Heroes, whilst neglecting his Star Trek Online. He has prestiged in Modern Warfare and boasts outscoring Glenn. Christina is in love Parachute Ninja and Zombie Farm on the iPhone. Brad has been packing for the move.

Our first contest winner, receiving Planet Hulk on dvd, is Clay Campbell in Canada! Congratulations, Clay!

Geek Cuisine is soda…no, not Jones. You’re safe. We’ve got Nehi grape soda, glass bottled Big Red and Brad’s odd White Castle habits

For our bicentennial episode requires no ordinary Guilty Pleasure. Glenn inflicts upon us Counter Destroyer (aka The Vampire Is Alive), from the same geniuses that gave us Robo Vampire.

Alright listeners, the wait is over! After some silly singing by the gang, we finally give away Quantum Mechanix’s gorgeous Goa’uld Death Glider Replica! Congratulations to Terry Bruce from Pennsylvania!

Thank you to Nick from Frankfurt, Gary from Jacksonville, Kevin from the Hot Chick and Fat Guy Podcast, and Mr. Lee from New Jersey for
sending in their well wishes!

Our gratitude goes out to Farpoint Media, Quantum Mechanix, Beatnik Turtle and each and every one of you for listening!

By Brad

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