While taking a break from the mayhem of muddy bears; Brad, Adam, and Christina continue with their Whovian review. Adam took a day off, worked on some animation, caught up on The Pacific, and had some cringe-worthy Invisalign adjusting done. Brad and Christina KBO (in the words of Winston Churchill, Keep Buggering On)!

Willy Wonka supplies our Geek Cuisine this week! We’ve got Kazoozles, the deceptively creepy looking but actually very tasty candy!

The Doctor Who review begins with the Flesh and Stone. Have we seen the last of The Weeping Angels? Do you see the same costume continuity error that Brad did? They discuss the origin of the crack in the wall and this new hot-headed doctor. Is River Song to be trusted? Who was the man she killed? Who is she really? Let us know what you think! Christina vents about how she feels about Amy after her amorous attack on the Doctor.

Vampires of Venice find Rory, Amy and The Doctor nearly sleeping with the fishes. Adam loved the open, finding The Doctor at Rory’s stag party, and we all agree that we’re thoroughly enjoying spazzy Doctor. Everyone loves Rory, and we take sides as to whether or not he could take Mickey in a fight. Brad’s favorite scene is the Doctor’s excitement in a room full of vampires. Christina’s favorite moment is his mention of Casanova and tries to convince the boys to watch David Tennant’s movie. The Doctor Who Confidential for this episode was a great documentary in Venice, and Brad laments the cut down episodes aired in the States.

In closing, they speculate about Amy’s Choice and what will be next for Amy and The Doctor. Christina poses the question to the ladies who listen, “If you were going to throw yourself at a Doctor, which would you choose?” Is there anyone who would choose anyone beside Doctor Ten?

Promos come graciously from The Babylon Podcast, Milk Carton TV, How To Grow Your Geek and The British Invaders Podcast.

By Brad

One thought on “PodCulture 207: TARDIS Interruptus”
  1. Sorry Christina, I gotta say I would throw myself at Matt Smith of all the doctors but David Tennant is a VERY close second.

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