After an open from the gracious Ron Glass, we are back for more PodCulture!

Andy sits in for Glenn this week, and Christina is back! They all look forward to the night’s screening of Serenity in a local indie theater. Andy’s been listening to podcasts while he’s working hard, expanding young minds in the classroom. Adam is burning vacation time, anticipating Halo Reach, and constructing his Halo helmet. While he’s fabricating, he’s been watching Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, Warehouse 13 and Fringe (much to Christina’s glee). Christina had a wonderful time with her family on vacation, seeing Phantom of the Opera again…for the 19th time and celebrating her dad’s birthday. She and Miranda watched copious amounts of Spongebob and iCarly, and Christina has been sucked into the Silly Band phenomenon. Brad is preparing for Dragon Con and wishes to send out a huge thank you to Gary in Jacksonville for helping sort out the car. He is also getting geared up for a new podcast called The EurekaVerse podcast, planning to record episode zero at Dragon Con! Stay tuned for more!

Adam celebrates getting his Invisalign complete, and shows off his shiny new well-earned present to himself. From a family of shutterbugs, he shows off his Cannon Rebel T1I. The guys discuss advances in photographic technology. Jason has leant Adam his demo unit of the Sprint Samsung Galaxy S (being released on August 31) phone to try and show off. He does a side by side comparison between the Galaxy S and his HTC Evo, and is impressed by the screen quality of the Galaxy. Christina loves the size and shape and Brad recognizes the tough choice it would have been, had it been out earlier. Christina tells about her friend’s HTC Aria and the ease of track ball. Far less technical, but still cool, Christina talks about the newest addition to her Phantom of the Opera collection. She’s acquired the Japanese and Swedish cast recordings, and she regales them with the her story of front row seats. Brad talks of his Augen Tablet hacking and cracking, and adds four more Blackest Night Black Lantern figures to his collection.

Twizzlers Filled Twists are the Cuisine de Geek this week! Are they filled with perfect or with Pledge? Find out if it makes Andy’s face implode.

Special thanks to The Signal for their promo, The Bedlam Bards for “Theme Song Parody, and to the lovely Marian Call for her song, “It Was Good For You, Too”.

By Brad

2 thoughts on “PodCulture 221: The Big Damn Podcast – Part A”
  1. Hey folks! Just a quick clarification…

    Each major wireless carrier is releasing a phone in the “Galaxy S” series. T-Mobile released the “Vibrant”, AT&T released the “Captivate” and now Sprint has the “Epic 4G” (August 31st release, $249.99 at your closest Radio Shack or Best Buy store!) Verizon will have the “Fascinate” by early September.

    Each phone is similar in terms of the AMOLED screen, processor, and overall look. The difference with the Sprint Epic 4G is, of course, 4G hardware (useful where available), front-facing camera, and the slide-out QWERTY keyboard.

    That’s my plug! Now *I* have a tough decision to make… which to keep? The EVO or the Epic 4G? I can’t keep both unfortunately…

    Jason @ Sprint

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