Hello, sweeties! The geeks have the phone box!

Brad, Adam and Christina welcome a TARDIS full of companions this week! We welcome back Justin, and introduce Nick and Richard! We would like to pay our respects to Nicholas Courtney and dedicate this episode to one of his favorite classic episodes, Inferno with the Third Doctor, Jon Pertwee. Nick gives us a synopsis of how U.N.I.T. came to be, and the origin of the character of Brigadier Alistair Gordon Lethbridge-Stewart. He discusses ownership of characters and the Peter Cushing movies, and gives us an overview of the Inferno story. He adds anecdotes about the continuity and familial relationship between cast and crew of the era.

When we return, we’ve watched the seven part story and come back to discuss the brilliance of Nicholas Courtney. Having played a duel role in the story, he got to flex his acting muscles and the whole gang appreciates his prowess. Richard also discuss him in Terror of the Zygons with Tom Baker as the Fourth Doctor and Mawdryn Undead among others. The group discusses the possibilities and their wishes for his passing’s mention in the show. Nick discusses the mention of obscure companions, like Polly, in the recent mention of The Doctor’s companions past. Tributes to previously lost members of the Doctor Who family are mentioned and Christina hopes they put an appropriate one on the next set of DVDs. Justin wants Nick and Richard to teach Who University, and Christina and Adam will gladly attend. Nick talks about multiple releases of DVDs that now include new extra features, including multiple commentary tracks. Justin and Brad talk about Who episodes on Netflix and the up-side of cutting the cable. Nick mentions the many bonus features on the 2 Entertain DVDs, including the U.N.I.T recruitment video on the Spearhead From Space DVDs. Justin asks what Nick and Richard’s hopes for homages to classic Doctor in the new series. Both agree that the new series does justice to things such as the Macra, and Richard would like to see new episodes produced in the old style. Richard points out the magic wand of the Sonic Screwdriver and notes the quick dialogue in the new series, wishing for more conversation. Nick misses the adventure relationship on the show and enjoyed that facet of the Doctor’s relationship with Donna. Although he appreciates Steven Moffat and Russel T. Davies, he wishes Terrance Dicks would write for the show. They discuss rights to various monsters and overuse versus changing a particular villain. Nick shares the origin of the Dalek stories and how they played out for each Doctor, as well as the Master’s role in the 1971 Doctor. They debate on the lack of use of the Tardis to travel beyond earth in the past few years. Justin mentions the Graham Norton interruption in his past season, and Nick throws in a theory of the Cybermen in different universes and finds the Tenth Planet versions the scariest. Brad and Christina tell the tale of the most frightening “Are You My Mummy” moment. We go from Autons to Cybermats to Cybershades. What scares you? Justin shares that he’s going to arm his young nephew with a Sonic Screwdriver! Nick shares his favorite spot for Who swag, Whona.com! Justin and Brad talk about the Doctor Who iPod game.

In a mini-impromptu Geek Cuisine, Brad shares his Mike’s Hard Strawberry Lemonade and another bag of Jelly Babies! Christina opted for a proper English Who watching and had tea with her Jelly Babies.

In conclusion, we’d like to thank Nick, Richard and Justin for joining us for our honoring Nicholas Courtney in a way only geeks can!

By Brad

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