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After Christina messes up the open, happy that Glenn is back in the studio, we get into the geeking! The first Saturday in May, here in The States is Free Comic Book Day. Brad and Christina share the story of their adventures in the comic shops around town, including a less than stellar review of one of them. Starting at Brad’s favorite, Comic Book World, he picked up some trade paperbacks. Glenn hit their second stop, The Great Escape, and found an issue of 2000 A.D and the new Elric comic series. He and Christina were both happy to find the dual copy of Mouse Guard and The Dark Crystal. Brad got a paperback of Human Target, Wolverine: Logan, Treasure Island and Three Musketeers, while Christina was tempted by the Sense and Sensibility graphic novel. Brad is happy to show Glenn the collection Pantheon he picked up, since Glenn colored a few of the covers for it, back in the day.

Glenn talks about the comic he was sent Genecy by Gerald Cooper from Invision Comics, and reviews the great art and story. Thank you, Gerald!

Brad talks about the fact that one of the shops required purchases before taking a free comic, which kind of defeats the purpose for the day. He may not have picked up any books there, but he did bring home Sinestro Batman and a Transformer. The gang discusses the politics and reasons behind requiring purchases, and whether or not it was fair. Brad recalls the bashing of other shops in the area. Wrapping it up, Glenn talks about the upcoming Derby City Comicon and he is going to be a guest! In anticipation of the Green Lantern movie, Brad has picked up film tie-in figures of Kilowog and the obscure Rot Lop Fan.

Our friend, Andy (aka Freehold South), calls in with the whole Freehold Family to share a Geek Cuisine. He shares Adam’s Zombie Jerky and Haribo Happy Cola Gummi Candy! We dare you not to laugh!

Glenn supplies Geek Cuisine this week with Yupi Takeout Gummies. We share gummy pizza, cola, fries and burgers.

There is a grab bag of Guilty Pleasures from Glenn this week! He calls back Starcrash, now that he has it on dvd from Shout Factory. They talk about how Christina has just now watched the first Start Wars movie, and she feels a bit guilty about that herself. Calling Starcrash a “Spaghetti Space Opera”, it was The Hoff’s first movie as well as future Bond Girl, Caroline Munro. In addition, Battle Beyond The Stars is going to be released on dvd on July 12th. Damnation Alley makes his list starring a very young Jackie Lee Early and Jan Michael Vincent. He shares his friend, Andrew’s movie about Batgirl, called “The Badge and The Bat”, posted on Facebook and YouTube. For the future, he has ordered a set of all nine Puppet Master movies, so beware!

Music provided by Insane Ian with his song, Super-Powers.

Thanks to Audible.com! Christina has been listening to The Hunger Games series by Suzanne Collins on audio book, read brilliantly by Karen McCormick. You can download any of the Hunger Games books absolutely free, with a two week trial to explore the over 85,000 titles, just by clicking on the link above! Let us know what you’ve chosen and what we should be listening to!

By Brad

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