Welcome back to PodCulture, nerds and ladies!

Glenn opens this week with some guilt! Procured from the good folk at Wonderfest, Glenn brings Penny Dreadful’s Schilling Shockers. He tells of meeting Penny herself and the initiative of creating and producing their own serials. On this season, we have watched Crypt of The Living Dead (also known as Hannah Queen of the Vampires). We enjoy the cool characters and the easter eggs from Penny, even if we didn’t love the actual feature so much. Still, each of us finds something redeemable. Brad goes on the SchillingShockers.com site and tells of all the cool swag you get if you become a member.

Glenn also brings Geek Cuisine this week from Rural King. It’s a Cow Pie. What turns out to be a giant chocolate turtle of pecans, caramel and chocolate, impresses everyone except Adam.

Work hard, play harder is the motto of PodCulture. Glenn has been playing LA Noir, and tells the tale of his love/hate relationship with Rockstar, all the way back to the game, Oni up to the brilliant Red Dead Redemption. He and Adam discuss nuances of the micro expression interrogation. Adam loves the side missions as well as the perfect CGI. Glenn is enjoying the new Call of Duty expansion maps, including the grind house zombie map, Call of The Dead with George Romero. Adam is lost without his Star Wars beta, but is also playing Crysis 2. Glenn appreciates the customizable weapons and gear. Christina chooses smaller scale games this week with Pumpkins vs. Monsters, California Gold Rush and Gem Miner on her Evo. She and Brad both love the Amazon Android App Store, and Brad likes creeping Christina out with Chalk Ball. Brad is playing Portal 2, while Christina loves listening to the snarky dialogue. Finally giving in, Brad has begun playing World of Warcraft! Christina finds it amusing, but appreciates the t-shirts on Jinx. Brad will be back playing DC Universe online when the Sony outage has been repaired. Christina asks for Android game suggestions.

Music this week includes Zombie Momma by Toyboat. Thanks to The Saturday B Movie Reel Podcast for their promo!

Extra special thanks to Audible.com. As a PodCulture listener, you can click on the link above and download a free audio book, enjoying two weeks to discover the over 85,000 titles. If you do, let us know what you have chosen!

By Brad

One thought on “PodCulture 268: Flying Cow Pies – Part B”
  1. Ask and ye shall receive!!! This looks about right.

    Christina says “I love it!”, take a drink.
    Brad mentions plans for Dragon*Con, take a drink.
    Brad mentions previous plans/event at Dragon*Con, take a drink.
    Someone mentions their love of new Knight Rider, Brad must take two drinks.
    Repeat a word multiple times, take a drink.
    Mention the drinking game in an episode, take a drink.
    Tim Minear (him or a project he worked on), take a drink.
    Curse FOX and/or SyFy, take a drink.
    Curse the cancelling of Firefly or Stargate Universe, take a drink. Two if it’s Firefly (bonus drink for Tim Minear).
    Glenn calls his wife his girlfriend, take a drink. This only applies to episodes post-264.
    TARDIS Interruptus episode, take a drink. No wait, take two.
    Mentions of Invader Zim (including GiR and the Doom Song), Christina takes two drinks.
    Geek Cuisine features an Oreo product, take a drink.
    Green Lantern talk/mention, take a drink.
    Someone tells a bad joke, take a drink. Brad takes two.
    Drinking chaos happening, take a drink and a half.

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