PodCulture was lucky enough to have been nominated not one but TWICE for a 2011 Parsec Award! Once for the main PodCulture show in the Best Speculative Fiction Fan or News Podcast (General) category, and once again for PodCulture: TARDIS Interruptus in the Best Speculative Fiction Fan or News Podcast (Specific) category.

Not only were we nominated…but we made it in as a FINALIST! (in BOTH catagories no less) Which was a bit of a shock…especially for TARDIS Interruptus since we have only been doing that show for a short while. So…if you are going to be at Dragon*Con in Atlanta Georgia over Labor Day Weekend, please check out the Parsec Awards and say hello!

We figured for this special episode we would share with you guys the two submission samples we sent in to The Parsec Award committee. The first was for PodCulture and the second was for PodCulture: TARDIS Interruptus.

By Brad

2 thoughts on “PodCulture 282: 2011 Parsec Award Finalist”
  1. Serious congratulations, guys! 🙂
    I’m trying to give you some competition in the General Fan Cast category, but I think it’s the other ones that pose the bigger “threat”.

    I’ve started listening and have been having a grand time. Best wishes for your podcasts. 🙂

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