Welcome to PodCulture! Brad, Adam and Christina are Glennless this week, but they do their best to fill the geek void. Adam has been feeling a bit too much love at work and is thrilled to be going white water rafting soon, followed by a hiking trip. He is still loving beta testing Star Wars : The Old Republic. Christina is halfway through Dance With Dragons and already laments it being over. She is loading up on new tv to watch while Brad is out of town. Brad has had the penny drop at work, and although he is still a bit stunned from the news, he is looking forward to new opportunities. Christina is insanely jealous that Brad will get to see Sylvester McCoy at Dragon Con! In other Dragon Con news, we are terribly proud to announce that it’s a trifecta at The Parsec Awards as PodCulture, TARDIS Interruptus and The GeekSpin have all been nominated and are finalists!

We are sofa spuds this week as we discuss our tv watching! Christina has found Tony Robinson’s The Worst Jobs in History, The Song of Lunch and Community while Brad is away. Adam and Christina talk about True Blood and the improvements over the last episodes. Adam is keeping up with Sons of Guns and the trio discusses Torchwood. Brad and Adam were surprised to see Nana Visitor in these last episodes. Adam is still watching It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia and Christina is hoping to go back to it. Everyone is still bitter about the cancellation of Eureka and holds out hope for character overlap on Warehouse 13. Theater geeks all, they share stories of pilfering pieces of set constructions after the ends of shows. Brad mentions the clever in-jokes in the recent episode of Warehouse 13, given Neil Grayston’s crossover as Fargo. Christina and Brad have taken Glenn’s advice an started watching The Nine Lives of Chloe King. The pair compare it to early Buffy The Vampire Slayer meets Dark Angel and are quite happy to see Alicia Coppola. The two have also been rewatching the Martha Jones season of Doctor Who, and enjoy seeing little things they missed. Speaking of The Doctor, they watched the classic story The Mind Robber with Patrick Troughton. Brad was unimpressed, but Christina appreciates it for its time. All three geeks are eagerly anticipating the second half of season 6.

Thanks to Kirby Krackle for their song Nerd Money off their new album Super Powered Love. Gratitude to The Type 40 Podcast for their promo!

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By Brad

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