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Adam opens tech talk with news of the Razer gaming laptop. He explains the evolution of the Switchblade to the gaming laptop The Blade. Adam discusses the technical specs and whether or not this paragon of gaming is worth the hefty price tag. Brad is intrigued by some of the upcoming peripheral pieces from Razer. Brad shows off his trade up in the Nintendo 3DS, and tells the tale of battling nature to get it. Brad then regales his adventure modifying the Wii.

In closing, Christina discusses her fears for Law and Order UK next season. Christina is loving her TuneIn Radio app, which brings the boys to share about Spotify and Turntable.fm. Adam is going to be going ziplining and hiking soon, and will be white water rafting in the near future. Brad had an eBay misadventure trying to get a Doctor Who sticker for his netbook. In a mini show and tell, Brad shows off the beautiful bear that he received from his step mom, made from one of his dad’s Hawaiian shirts. Adam mentions getting his gross on at the Louisville zombie walk. Christina is thrilled that fall is coming, which brings her to be thrilled to enjoy Roy Dotrice reading Dance with Dragons on audio.

Music includes Comic Shop by Kirby Krackle. Thank you to The Critical Myth Podcast for their promo!

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By Brad

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