Welcome back, Geeklings!

We cut straight to the sugar this week! Mountain Dew Game Fuel is keeping our gamers going, and we try both new flavors! We decide if we stay tried and true to the original flavor or if we decide to go green. Glenn appreciates Brad and Christina saving the double XP point codes on the bottle caps.

Now that they’re all fueled up, the gang geeks on games. Christina opens, enjoying Ghost Wars, the tower defense game for her phone. She appreciates Adam bringing his Child of Eden game for the Kinect to show them. Adam is on pins and needles, playing the Star Wars Old Republic Beta, and is in the early release group after buying the super fancy edition, when it’s finally out for purchase. When he isn’t using The Force, he is playing Just Cause 2 on Steam and loving the open-endedness of it. Battlefield 3 is up on Adam’s list as well, and he and Glenn are both blown away by the character animation. The pair discuss the difficult missions, the environment and the vehicles. Brad has gotten back into Rock Band 3, given the new country pack. He managed to get some of the old song licenses to work, and continues to rock on. Christina still longs for a Queen expansion. Adam talks about Rocksmith, the real guitar instructional game, and Christina appreciates the keyboard tutorial for Rock Band 3. Brad segues into the Back To The Future game for the PS3. Although he appreciates Christopher Lloyd’s performance, the game loses major points for control translation from PC to console. Brad has beat Dead Island on the first character and looks forward to downloadable content. DC Universe Online has finally gone free to play, and Brad has weathered the epic re-downloading process. He finds that the controller for the PC version translates very well. Glenn asks about the different levels and benefits and Brad gladly explains.

Thanks to Steve for the song Everything You Know Is Wrong and to The Type 40 Podcast for their promo!

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By Brad

2 thoughts on “PodCulture 296: Everyone Gets 15 Minutes of Double XP – Part B”
  1. Hi!

    Luv the podcast, couple quick peccadilloes: occasionally the featured(?) song is awesome; please consider saying the artist & title after the song.

    Also, I always enjoy the times when you review/converse about games but the transition to/from which game is being spoken of is easy to miss. If it could be perhaps stated a time or three (perhaps in place of the ambiguous word “game”) I’d be greatly pleased.

    Thank you for the excellent podcast.

  2. Hiya Evil Mike!

    Yeah…we prob should try harder to work the info of the songs into the podcast itself. However the out-of-order way we record the show doesn’t lend itself well to that sort of thing. I even sometimes add in the songs during the final editing of the episode.

    As for the transitions between the games we talk about, that may not happen. (but I will try and be mindful of it going forward) The whole schtick of our podcast is that it is a conversation between a bunch of geeky friends … that just so happens to get recorded. So the flow of conversation does get a bit wild, and we may not think to say the name of the game repeatedly.

    If you want to hear a podcast that is just about as crazy as PodCulture AND does a FANTASTIC job talking about games…check out the crew of Orange Lounge Radio at http://www.OrangeLoungeRadio.com. They have been a HUGE influence on our show over the years.

    And THANK YOU for listening! (hope ya stay tuned!)

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