After a welcome from the lovely Erin Grey, the trio of geeks jumps into another episode of PodCulture!

Without Adam this week. Glenn is flying this week and baking in the heat and eludes to something the whole gang has been up to. Christina is happy to have found her voice again, and is enjoying a new audiobook series. She is enjoying the irony of the Your Shape game for the 360. Glenn takes a moment to plug the PodCulture Facebook page, having posted a link to a Spiderman fan film and pictures from fan films he himself has worked on. Brad laments the holiday in the middle of the week, having had two Mondays as well.

Derby City Comicon and Fandomfest/Fright Night Film Fest in Louisville. Glenn was on call all weekend, despite having hopes for getting to each convention. He managed to get up early to get to Derby City Comicon for a few hours and only being able to make it to Fandomfest for a little while on Sunday. Brad mentions his friend, Abbie in her steampunk Wonder Woman costume who managed to get to both shows. Glenn takes a moment to talk about Derby City and some of the highlights, including the upcoming Louisville Arcade convention. He shows off Sam Flegel’s zombie portraits as well as his Iron Man painting he picked up. In comics, Glenn picked up some Stuart Staygar and really enjoyed Gavin Smith’s Human City. Also, he loved the childlike weirdness of Terence Hanley’s Monsters & Aliens of America coloring book.

Brad and Christina talk about the stars they met at Fandomfest, including Corey Feldman, Sean Astin, John Rhys-Davies, Gareth David-Lloyd, Colin Ferguson, and the boys from Monster Squad, Andre Gower and Ryan Lambert. Christina found Brad the Diamond Select Serenity “Inara Strikes” statue, and were given Hacksaw, the fan film. Brad and Christina rock the WhoNA booth, too! In the artist alley Brad found Alpha-Sketch art, line art incorporating each letter of the alphabet.

Glenn shares the synopsis and the contest to win a code for a free download of the novel, “Mythical” by C.E. Martin! Send an e-mail to and tell us what you’re reading, or what your favorite genre of book is and you’ll be entered in to the contest!

What do any self-respecting con-goers recharge with? Mountain Dew! This Geek Cuisine is Batman Mixed Berry Mountain Dew. Brad shares the tale of Glenn’s Batman tortilla chips. Wings up all around for this caped, caffeinated beverage, so get Alfred to pick some up!

In closing Glenn picked up Todd Boyer’s book, The Consuming, the first book in The Demon Soul saga. He gives us a brief synopsis, and a teaser about some movie star interests. He also picked up a dosemeter from a vendor selling fallout equipment.

Thanks to Gamma Quadrant Podcast for their Promo and Devo Spice featuring The Great Luke Ski with “The Geeks Come Out At Night”! Stay tuned to the end for a VERY special teaser clue to something coming in the PoDCulture: TARDIS Inrerruptus!

Extra special thanks to As a PodCulture listener, you can click the link on our site, and now get 30 days to explore the over 100,000 titles and choose one to download for free! With genres for everyone and apps for every phone, you can be listening in no time! So click, download, listen and then tell us what you’ve chosen!

By Brad

One thought on “PodCulture 332: The Con Job”
  1. I wanted to say a quick thank you for the mention of my book “The Consuming” on your podcast. I just found you guys while doing a search in google for my book. After seeing the book mentioned in text for the podcast I had to listen eagerly to have my name called like a lottery pick on draft night. It is really cool to hear other people talking about your book and sharing the passion and hard work that went into every page. Thank you again for the mention and I would love to know what you think of the story. The book is available at Amazon.con, and just about every other online book site out there.

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