Welcome back, weary travelers!

Christina takes some time to talk about her trip to England and France with her mom. She spent 3 days in Coventry, a week in London (including a side trip to Stonehenge, Bath and Cardiff) and 3 days in Paris. Her journey began with friends in Lady Godiva’s hometown, including a gigantic Thanksgiving dinner. In London, there was much shopping, despite tube stations not being handicapped friendly. Stonehenge was green and gorgeous. Christina’s lineage being partly from Cardiff, they took the bus for a day and hung out the Millennium Center and the Eli Jenkins Pub. In London, she was thrilled to see that the actor she had seen in New York City 18 years ago, Marcus Lovett, was playing Phantom. If that wasn’t enough, Anna O’Bryne, from the Love Never Dies dvd was playing Christine. She and her mom got a bit lost a few times, and took a few wrong buses, but overcame. The pair saw Wicked, and Christina got to hang out with a dear friend from high school. They went to Hamley’s and took a Thames tour, marveling at the tourists, even being so themselves. In Cardiff, she enjoyed finding as many Doctor Who/Torchwood spots as her short time there would allow. In Paris, she shares about the dodgy taxi driver and the daylight robbery of wi-fi at the “under renovation” hotel.

Geek Cuisine is another part of Christina’s travels, as she shares a bottle of Great Lakes Brewery’s Christmas Ale. While nobody is glowing with holiday cheer over it, they don’t exactly “bah humbug” it, either.

Back from the break, Christina talks about her experiences in Paris, including the stunning history of the architecture and the breathtaking pushiness of the locals. The best moments came when she took the tour of the Garnier Opera House. She speaks to the grandeur of Notre Dame and the surprising lack of available bathrooms. In proof of the smallness of the world, in a café, they ran in to a man who used to live half an hour from her hometown. She came to realize little things that are taken for granted here in The States.

Before we close, Glenn shows off his new shiny! He has added a Cannon T4i to his arsenal of cameras. He also picked up a telephoto lens for it, but had to send it back, as it rattled when it arrived originally. Adam has nothing to recommend, except to go out and have an adventure! Brad and Christina tell the curdling milk story, and Christina wants everyone to get their passports. Brad talks about the relaunch of PodCulture: The GeekSpin.

Music includes Love Bites by Insane Ian and Leaf On The Wind by Mikal Hill. The promo this week comes from our friends at The Signal Podcast.

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By Brad

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